In the year 2020 EDA, Asociación Argentina de Editorxs, of which I am a member, invited me to award the editing prize for the best documentary at the Festival Internacional Cine de las Alturas, Jujuy, Argentina, together with my colleague Miguel Colombo.
We decided to award the editing of the film Sacachún (Gabriel Paéz, 2018), for the following reasons:
We reward Sacachún for its delicate narrative weave that, through a small and singular story, manages to question such deep and universal themes as spirituality, ancestral beliefs, cultural colonization and religious syncretism, which perhaps emerges as a survival strategy. The strength of the production lies in capturing the essence of the place and its people, with a view that recognizes the minimal actions and gestures necessary to do so, and above all in creating an effective dramatic arc that honors the tenacity of the inhabitants of Sacachún, who for decades maintained a serene and tireless struggle to recover what has been taken from them.
The prize was awarded to: Gabriel Paez, Eliza Capai, Vanessa Amores, Marcelo Castillo and Yanara Guayasamin.